Diving Into the Deep: A Vipassana Voyage and Gender Quest

Here I stand, at the crossroads of mindfulness and identity, with a story that zigzags through the realms of Vipassana meditation and gender exploration. If you're thinking that a few deep breaths and mindfulness sessions have me all figured out, think again! The truth is, I'm as in the dark as anyone—mindfulness isn't a magic potion for gender clarity, but it sure does shine a light on the cobwebbed corners of our minds. It's been my go-to for chipping away at the old blocks of greed, hatred, and delusion, discovering a common thread in the mental tapestry that binds us all. And for those moments when the mind feels just a tad too abstract, there's nothing like a good old sensation check-in—soft, hard, moist, dry—to get back in touch with the body.

The Role of Trauma in Identity and Embodiment

Is it possible to navigate life untouched by trauma? The concept encompasses a broad spectrum: accidents, medical procedures, assault, neglect, bullying, systematic oppression... Research in trauma studies suggests the challenge of confronting our pain without first connecting with our body, which has a sneaky way of disconnecting us from our bodily home base. For me, gender exploration wasn't a marked destination on my mindfulness map—it was more like stumbling upon a hidden treasure while on a different quest entirely. It’s about asking the tough questions, not just about gender or race, but about existence itself. Scary? Absolutely for most of us. Negotiable? I’d answer NO on my life, especially while navigating the world as a trans person.

Support Systems and Gender Exploration

My path has been illuminated by incredible support: from friends, particularly those within the trans community, who share in the unique yet universally challenging experiences of transition; to my husband, who saw my truth in non-traditional marriage with me; to my therapist and meditation teachers, whose acceptance and care have been pillars of strength. Despite the challenges—an aging dancer's body, a career at once unstable and successful, a cozy yet humble abode—my gratitude for these external supports is boundless. Yet, it was the internal journey, initiated through my practice and self-education on gender and race, that truly transformed me.

Before joining the Jagged Little Pill cast, my understanding of gender was less defined. It was here, in 2017, that a castmate first introduced me to the concept of pronouns, marking the beginning of a true friendship and a new chapter in my life. Despite holding a 300-hour certification in mindfulness teaching and a history of retreats, my journey into mindfulness had only just begun to uncover the layers of my identity as a gay Asian man entangled in a web of internalized norms and expectations.

Embarking on a Vipassana Journey: The Unforeseen Path to Gender Exploration

My leap into the world of Vipassana wasn't just about finding peace; it was about confronting my truths in a monastery nestled in the Sagaing Hills, where I first tasted the profound silence of meditation. This wasn't your average timeout; it was an all-in, deep dive into the essence of being, far from the dazzling lights of Broadway and closer to the heartbeat of the universe. There, among monks and fellow seekers, I found a space where race and gender intersected in ways I had never imagined.

2019 brought me to a floating bungalow in Thailand, a serene setting for another silent retreat that would unexpectedly unlock a door to my past. A recurring nightmare from my childhood, once a source of fear, transformed into a moment of clarity. The vision of a girl in a red dress, once a specter of my fears, revealed itself as a mirror to my soul, challenging the male identity I was socialized into. This epiphany wasn't just a revelation; it was a homecoming. Trans joy.

However, the realization that I might not fit the traditional binary gender model did not take effect in daily life immediately. Despite the inclusivity of my friends and the brief validation from wearing gender-affirming clothing, I battled with feelings of illegitimacy. Was I truly non-binary, or merely an imposter in this space I was beginning to call my own? This wasn't just about changing labels; it was about dismantling the narratives I had been handed and discovering the ones that truly resonated with me.

A Pandemic Pause: Reflection, Transition, and Acceptance

As the world came to a halt in 2020, the quiet of lockdown became a crucible for transformation. The retreats I attended from the confines of my New York apartment weren't just escapes; they were gateways to deeper understanding and acceptance. Amidst the solitude and collective uncertainty, I found the courage to embrace my identity fully, not propelled by wisdom but by the sheer necessity of authenticity in a world turned upside down.


My voyage through Vipassana and gender exploration is far from over. Each breath, each moment of mindfulness, is a step on the path to understanding the intricate dance of identity and existence. This journey isn't just mine; it's a testament to the power of introspection, the strength found in vulnerability, and the unending quest for authenticity in a world that often demands conformity.

My voyage through Vipassana and gender exploration is far from over. Each moment of mindfulness is a step on the path to understanding the intricate dance of identity and existence. This journey isn't just mine; it's a testament to the power of introspection, the strength found in vulnerability, and the unending quest for authenticity in a world that often demands conformity. As I continue to navigate this path, I am reminded of the transformative power of mindfulness—not just as a practice of attention, but as an intention of understanding rather than to judge.


Tackling Race, Gender, and Mindfulness: Insights from a Trans Immigrant's Journey